


 『Trans-Pacific Leadership 2010-2013』 【Portland State University, 2014】【早稲田大学,2015.04】



Trans-Pacific Leadership : final report to the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
 [Portland : Portland State University, 2014]
 153p ; 26cm
 注記: 表紙のタイトル: Trans-Pacific Leadership 2010-2013 : a project organized by Portland State University, Waseda University, Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation ; [ed. by] Gil Latz and Mel Gurtov


Trans-Pacific Leadership 2010-2013 : (公財)渋沢栄一記念財団寄附講座「Trans-Pacific Leadership」報告書 : a project organized by Waseda University, Portland State University, Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
 [東京 : 早稲田大学], 2015.04
 158p ; 30cm
 注記: 渋沢栄一記念財団寄附講座, 早稲田大学ポートランド州立大学合同寄附講座の報告書 ; 出版年は謝辞より


 早稲田大学と米国オレゴン州ポートランド州立大学は、「太平洋を越えて活躍するリーダー(Trans-Pacific Leader)を育成しよう」という趣旨の合同寄附講座を、2010年から2013年にかけて渋沢栄一記念財団の寄付により開催した。2010年には日本から学生が渡米、2011年は東日本大震災のため延期となったが翌2012年には米国から学生が来日、最終年の2013年には再び日本から学生が渡米し、日米の学生たちが共に夏季集中講座を受講した。また2012年5月31日にはこの寄附講座を記念したシンポジウム「近代日本社会のリーダー 渋沢栄一福沢諭吉大隈重信」が、早稲田大学大隈講堂で開催された。
[セミナーの概要は『渋沢栄一記念財団の挑戦』(渋沢栄一記念財団, 2015)p165-167にまとめられている]


『Trans-Pacific Leadership 2010-2013』


Trans-Pacific Leadership 2010-2013 : (公財)渋沢栄一記念財団寄附講座「Trans-Pacific Leadership」報告書
   巻頭言 / 渋沢栄一記念財団理事長 渋沢雅英4
                  / 早稲田大学オープン教育センター 事務局
近代日本社会のリーダー 渋沢栄一福沢諭吉大隈重信:寄附講座「Trans-Paciffic Leadership」記念シンポジウム6
      渋沢栄一の世界 / 公益財団法人渋沢栄一記念財団理事長 渋沢雅英8
      福沢諭吉 / 政策研究大学院大学教授 北岡伸一12
      世界に向き合う独立的青年:大隈重信のリーダー教育論 / 早稲田大学文学学術院准教授 真辺将之17
      第二部 【ディスカッション】24
Trans-Pacific Leadership : final report to the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation / Gil Latz and Mel Gurtov41
   Introduction : The Trans-Pacific Leadership Course43
 Trans-Pacific Leadership : final program report 2010-201344
   I. Program history and purpose 44
   II. Program structure46
   III. Program schedule 48
     Summer 201048
     Summer 201252
     Summer 201356
   IV. Selected session transcription62
      Section 1 : Shibusawa Eiichi : industrialist, philanthropist, statesman62
         Shibusawa Eiichi's legacy in 21st century East Asia / Shibusawa Masahide62
      Section 2 : Comparative leadership in Japan and the US : business, philanthropy, journalism, and politics69
         John D. Rockefeller and Shibusawa Eiichi : leaders who promoted ethical business practices, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy / Kimura, Masato69
          The leadership of Matsumoto Shigeru and Senator J. William Fulbright / Akashi Yasushi75
      Section 3 : Non-governmental organizations : Institute of Pacific Relations ; World Affairs Council of Oregon85
         The Institute of Pacific Relations and early Trans- Pacific leadership / Lawrence Woods85
          Panel discussion of NGO leadership by women / Maria Wulff97
      Section 4 : Twenty-first century civil society : the role of women114
          Civil society and philanithropy : with some thoughts on leadership and gender / Angela Bies114
         Women's leadership and grobal civic engagement : academic leadership view / Melody Rose128
      Afterword : Community engagement : university/city partnerships139
          Building green cities / Nancy Hales139
   V. Appendixes142
          Trans pacific leadership ps 410/510 summer team 2010 syllabus142
          Trans pacific leadership ps 410/510 summer team 2012 syllabus146
          Trans pacific leadership ps 410/510 summer team 2013 syllabus150
      Program statistics154
          Summer 2010, Portland154
          Summer 2012, Tokyo155
          Summer 2013, Portland156
結びにかえて・謝辞 / 早稲田大学政治経済学術院教授 田中愛治158

「Trans-Pasific Leadership」寄附講座のセッション・トピック一覧

開催年月日(会場) 研究センターウェブサイト
    Course objectives; Why we study the Shibusawa legacy
    Trans-Pasific relations in historical perspective
    Trans-Pasific leadership in a changing world
    Leadership for sustainable development
    Human rights and democracy
    China's new leadership generation
    Shibusawa Eiichi's legacy in twenty-first century East Asia
    Sustainable city movement in an international context
    Trans-Pacific business: leadership, entrepreneurs, and sustainability
    Establishing the Oregon Peace Institute and why it matters
    Course objectives; US-Japan relations after WWII and leadership implications for East Asia
    3/11: can Japan recover from the "triple disaster"?
    3/11: can Japan recover from the "triple disaster"?; preparation for Tokyo excursion
    The leadership models of Bill Gates and Lee Byung-chul
    The leadership of Matsumoto Shigeharu and Senator J. William Fulbright
    Koizumi Junichiro and Bill Clinton
    Aiding reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake
    John D. Rockefeller and Shibusawa Eiichi: leaders who promoted ethical business practices, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy
    Course objectives; Disaster response and recovery part 1: Japan
    Disaster response and recovery part 2: United States
    Community-supported agriculture (CSA) and the politics of food: part 1
    Community-supported agriculture and the politics of food: part 2
    Women's leadership: part 1
    Women's leadership: part 2; Course summary and check-in
    First stop Portland
    Civil society and philanthropy: with some thoughts on leadership and gender
    Panel discussion of NGO leadership by women
    Women's leadership and global civic engagement: academic leadership view
    Flight of friendship: Oregon's response to Japan's 3/11 disaster


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