


 AAS2016における社史関連パネル「戦後日本の輸出 : 海外の日本ビジネスと文化」(速報)

 2016年4月2日に開催の、米国アジア学会(Assosiation for Asian Studies=AAS)における社史グループのパネル概要です。今回は日本航空キッコーマン、味の素などの企業が取り上げられます。詳細プログラムは12月に公開の予定です。

Exporting Postwar Japan: Japanese Business and Culture Abroad - Sponsored Japanese Company Histories (Shashi) Interest Group
戦後日本の輸出 : 海外の日本ビジネスと文化 - 社史グループ主催
 日時 : 2016年4月2日(土)午後3-5時
 会場 : Washington State Convention Center 205号室
 主催者 : ウィリアム・チョウ(オハイオ州立大学)
Panel Abstract:
Most historical studies of Japan’s phenomenal postwar economic growth have revolved around how government-driven developments in the archipelago rippled through world markets. However, our panel argues that much of the success of Japanese exports can be attributed to initial grassroots corporate efforts in the U.S. markets. Diverging from typical economic histories, we use various postwar Japanese commercial exports to examine the networks, discourses, and methods behind the intersection of business and cultural construction processes that have made Japan resonate with American audiences.
William Chou shows how Japanese automobile manufacturers used technical and marketing collaboration with U.S. partners to create images and responses to the Japanese “small car” in the American market. Alisa Freedman demonstrates how misrepresentations of Japan on American television comedies have perpetuated national stereotypes while verifying Japan’s international influence. Robert Hegwood highlights the role of Japanese Americans in shaping cultural images of Japan and in helping Japanese food corporations Kikkoman and Aji-no-moto re-establish a presence in the American market. Yoshiko Nakano explores how Japan Airlines inaugurated its international service with Orientalist images created in conjunction with American market researchers and advertising firms. Discussant Sayuri Shimizu contributes her expertise on U.S.-Japanese cultural and business relations. Through examination of the business models these case studies represent, our panel re-evaluates the history of Japanese growth, peers into the dynamics behind the evolving image of postwar Japan abroad, and contributes to discussions of Japan's current soft power projects.

